가야고분군을 세계유산으로
Gaya Tumuli Protection and Management

Protection and Management

The nominated property is safeguarded by the Cultural Protection Act and other rules and regulations. Each of the seven cemeteries comprising the nominated property has been nationally designated as a Heritage Area with the title "Historic Site." Its buffer zone is mostly included in the Historic and Cultural Environment Conservation Area of each cemetery (an additional layer of protection offered to a Cultural Heritage Area) and therefore benefits from strict development restrictions.

The authorization of any change in the current state of the nominated property falls under the responsibility of the Cultural Heritage Administration and on-site management is carried out by the pertinent local governments. Archaeological research and repair efforts for the nominated property are conducted by professionally certified groups and individuals under the overriding principle of maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the nominated property. Grave goods from the nominated property are vested with the state and housed at museums and other research institutes. Funds required for the management and conservation of the nominated property are provided by the Cultural Heritage Administration and the pertinent local governments.

A conservation plan has been prepared for each nominated cemetery. The World Heritage Nomination Office for the Gaya Tumuli is leading the efforts at monitoring the nominated property in an integrated manner. The nomination office has also established an integrated management plan. Disaster-prevention facilities have been installed at each site. A network of close cooperation for disaster prevention has been established at each cemetery with relevant organizations. Local residents are participating in heritage interpretation and monitoring activities.